Monday, June 30, 2008

City of Brotherly Love - well, close enough

Okay, I'm not in Philly but I AM in Pennsylvania, specifically Pittsburgh. And although I've only gone from the airport to downtown (the Westin), what I've seen hasn't been breathtaking...
In all my recent travels I've wondered about the people...what's brought you here? And if you're a native, what keeps you here? I'm curious about the decisions people make to live where they do. Are they deeply rooted and just can't or won't move on? Are they tied to the care of a loved one that keeps them there? Are they simply afraid of making a major move? Have they been transplanted as a result of a job change? And in the less than attractive cities I've been in I think "why are you staying here in this mess"?...
But that's one of the wonderful things about our country - our world. There's something out here for all of us.
Thanks for hosting us Pittsburgh!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What are the chances?

Remember when I shared with you here the "load" I came across at the flea market two weeks ago? What are the chances that I'd go back yesterday and stumple across these little beauties? At set of 9 (although the tag said 8) sweet little Homer Laughlin dessert bowls - that PERFECTLY match my catch two weeks ago from a completely differenct vendor? And the best part, the tag was marked $8.00, which I was MORE than willing to pay. I had the treasures in my hand scoping out the rest of the table when the vendor yelled out, "folks, everything here is half off the sticker price". Are you kidding me? 9 vintage HL dessert bowls for $4.00?? Has he gone insane? Whether he has or not I don't care and I quickly grabbed the old "Anthony" desk fan that some "looker" put back on the table and turned away from ... for a mere $7.00. I left the fairgrounds hot and sweaty and with a BIG grin on my face.
I think my mom will be happy with my findings. She'll think that they'll be an adequate size for a dessert for my dad (she thinks I give him too many sweets when he's here with me). What's up mom? Never heard of seconds!!! hee, hee, hee...

Friday, June 27, 2008

A Sticky Situation

What's wrong with this picture? That's right, there's no Humming Bird nectar in the Humming Bird feeder. As a matter of fact, the entire bottom of the feeder is MIA...
I can't tell you where the bottom went (I haven't looked that carefully yet) but I can tell you what happened to the nectar. It ran down all over me beginning in my hair, down my white tee shirt, splatered over my shorts, down my legs - front and back - into my socks and all over my sneakers. Do you have any idea how sticky Humming Bird nectar is? Very, very sticky.
My DH is hot-natured (I heard you gasp...). What I mean is, he sweats ALL THE TIME!!! He sweats eating dinner. As such, he keeps it freezing in this house. I work from home and sit at my desk in a hoodie throughout the day just to stay comfortable. And periodically I have to step outside in the 95 degree heat just to warm up a little. This is how my "accident" happened.
I was outside puttsing around in the flower bed when I realized there was a weed I couldn't reach. I went back up on the porch thinking I could grab it by reaching over the top of the railing. I walked smack into the feeder, the bottom fell out (literally) and I was transformed into a very large, sweet, sticky snack...
A last note of advice...don't wait until the end of the day to wash Humming Bird nectar out of your hair - you will be in the shower for awhile.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This little, personal assignment I've bestowed upon myself really solidifies how fast the weeks go by... It's yet another Thursday and time to count my blessings:

1) I'm thankful that I had absolutely NO travel this week! That's right, I've been home since last Saturday night at 9:30 and I don't leave again until next Monday morning;
2) I'm thankful that I recognize (most times, I think) when God is working, connecting, making Himself clearly present in my life. I'm reading a Christian fiction book called "The Shack" by William Young. On the plane home Saturday, I was reading a chapter where "God" was discussing with Mack, the main character, that He wasn't all about "religion" and the formalities in most churches but rather simply wanted us to have a relationship with Him, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. I went to church Sunday morning and Mike Harper, our preacher, spoke of the EXACT same desire. I was sitting there thinking to myself..."are you reading the same novel?". So, I got the message - loud and clear. Although, I once had another preacher tell me to simply talk to Jesus like He was the passenger in my car. Same concept, huh? That's all God wants - a relationship with us;
3) I'm thankful for "Bluetooth", that bug-looking thing that goes in your ear so you can talk on your cell phone wirelessly. I'm thankful for that because people will think I'm talking to someone on my cell phone in my car when really I'm acting like Jesus is the passenger next to me and I'm really talking to Him!
4) I'm thankful for the hour that Mike and I had together at the gym last night. We met there, went over what each of us would be doing, never saw each other again until we left - - - but I knew he was there and just in the other I've mentioned before, our time together is rare and I truly appreciate it whenever we're simply in the presence of one another;
5) I'm thankful that Paul Smallwood's foot surgery went well and he's recovering nicely at home. Paul is my buddy Cathy's husband;
6) I'm thankful for the accolades I received yesterday from my new boss. It's very early on in my new position but during the owners meeting earlier this week, my "way of doing business" was praised as was my "team player" attitude. I'm very good at sharing leads and contacts with my fellow leasing agents, apparently something they've not seen a lot of in the past. I also learned I may be getting more "inventory"; which really means more travel...oh my.
7) I'm thankful that I was able to run my "required" 7 miles last night and that my ribs didn't hurt one bit!!! I have trouble with the cartiledge (sp?) tearing on the left side of my ribcage - VERY painful and causes me not to be able to exercise - NOT GOOD! But I think I'm good-to-go again. Funny thing is, running does not cause this problem - it just exasperates it and causes a super-slow healing time. This last time I tore it by doing the "funky fit" work out at the Relay for Life - yes, back in MAY! That's how long it takes to heal. Anyway, I think I'm over it finally;
8) I'm thankful for having my cousin Suzie back in my life, even if it is only virtually for now!
9) I'm thankful for the people that will think of me today and I won't even know it...
10) I'm thankful for the ability to work from home.

I hope each of you has a wonderful day today and that you take the time to recognize the little things in your life that touch your heart. And if you're in the south or out west, watch the heat! It's gonna' be a rough one out there today! I'm thinking of you and counting my blessings that you're a part of my world...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

5 Things...

I wasn't "tagged" but I thought I'd participate in this little blog game anyway...

Erin over at Girl with Curlz was tagged and I thought I'd just invite myself to play along. So, here we go...

* 5 Kind Things I Do For Myself:

1. Read

2. Eat dessert when I really, really want it.

3. Spend time with my horse.

4. Write in my blog and read my favs EVERY day

5. Take time to be with my girlfriends.

* 5 Kind Things I Do For Friends:

1. I ALWAYS bring a hostess gift when I'm invited to a friend's house.

2. I share my books.

3. Bake goodies for our get-togethers.

4. Try to find a positive spin on whatever negative thing they may be experiencing.

5. Reference bible scripture or share my preacher's message from the previous Sunday

* 5 Kind Things I have Done For A Stranger:

1. At the post office, I've gotten an elderly man's mail from his post box so he wouldn't have to get out of his car and gather his walker to make the trip.

2. Let people get in line in front of me at the security check point at the airport.

3. Smile and wave at them when I'm running in town.

4. Jose, you know my UPS driver, he's not really a "stranger" but I give him water.

5. I keep my dog held TIGHTLY on her leash!! Ha!!!

* 5 Hobbies I Enjoy:

1. I LOVE going to my recipe card-making parties at The Rusty Bucket every month!

2. Running.

3. Baking

4. Being with my horse - at the barn (I have countless, wonderful memories there).

5. Blogging - if that's a hobby...

So, for anyone who reads my little on-line diary consider yourself "tagged" and share with me some of your favorite 5's!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Test Post

I'm trying to learn something new in blog land today. I'm trying to figure out how to "insert" a website into my posting without actually typing out the entire web address. I'm going to try and use Craig's List for this test. Let's see if it works.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday - a day late

Wow, this traveling really takes a toll on one's time...and aging body...and blog time! Something's gotta' give! But I'm SO thankful...and here's the rest of my "Thankful Thursday" (on Friday) list:

1) I'm thankful for a safe trip to Indiana and Kentucky (albeit bumpy, rocky and rather unpleasant);

2) I'm thankful the young man in the seat two away from me did not get sick like he was sure he was going to!;

3) I'm thankful for the hospitality my sister-in-law and her husband have shown me (I'm staying with them Thursday and Friday because they're extremely close to my center in Florecence, KY);

4) I'm thankful for the opportunity to spend some time with "Buddy" the dog (he's getting older you know) and the newest canine family member "Red Rowe". Red belonged to my Michael and Jen's uncle, Jerry. Jerry was always a bachelor but shared his life, home and heart with Red. Jerry passed away recently and nothing would do but Red had to come and live with Mike and Jen (Rowe is their last name - hence, "Red Rowe"). I'm know Red's thankful for Mike & Jen's hospitality, too! I should note here, every son and son-in-law in the Mineer family is named Mike!!! You should be around the house at Christmas! (My Mike is know as "Michael" or "Bub", Michael's sister's husband is know as "Mike Rowe" and his step-sister's husband is know as "Mike Leet");

5) I'm thankful I was able to cross the bridge spanning the Ohio River from Indiana into Ohio. It surprised me yesterday and I had a slight panic attack...I DO NOT enjoy driving over massive bridges like that. I did not sleep AT ALL last night thinking that I have to cross it again to get back to Indy to the airport...I'm heading to Wal-mart to buy some Dramamine - I'm hoping that'll help ease me some...oh my goodness...;

6) I'm grateful for this free, wireless internet service at Panera Bread;

7) I'm grateful for the home-cooked meal Mike Rowe made for us last night. That's another thing that's tough with this travel - eating healthy...;

8) I'm grateful for the time and energy to run 3 miles this morning and not get lost (or hit - it was a very busy road);

9) I'm grateful that Mike Rowe is a preacher and will talk to me for hours about anything I have questions about;

10) I'm grateful to be going home tomorrow to my little country house, my 18 cats, my one grouchy dog and my high-strung hubby! I love my world!!!

I hope each of you has a wonderful Friday and a super weekend and that you count your blessings daily.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh The Places You Will Go

I'm on the road again. Tonight, I'm in Indiana. I'm heading to my shopping center tomorrow morning in Crawfordsville. I haven't seen anything here outside of the airport facilities - which is typical of a big city airport. Hopefully the drive will be an easy one and a scenic route. Regardless, the end result will be a good one for sure - my center has a Steve & Barry's in it! "Bitten" here I come!
After I spend the day in Crawfordsville, I'm off to Florence, KY. I'll be staying with my sister-in-law and her husband Thursday and Friday night. I'm looking forward to seeing Mike & Jennifer; it's been way too long! It'll be good to have Jen with me. She knows the area well and can help me sniff out my competition.
And then up early Saturday morning to make the two hour drive back to Indy to catch a plane through Charlotte and back to Raleigh.
There's no place like home...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another favorite man of mine

Jose, my UPS driver! (this isn't actually a picture of Jose, I just found this in Google images).
I'm partial to Jose because he brings me stuff like this...

Vintage, Homer Laughlin plates from Tracey at Notes from a Cottage Industry! I L-O-V-E them!!!! These are a bit thicker/heavier than others I have and there are actually 4 dinner-sized plates. I think they'll become my everyday dinner plates for my DH and me! Everything will taste better on a Homer plate!

And Jose also brings me thoughtfulness from a long, lost cousin. Suzy and I go way back. I have two very vivid memories of our times together and I treasure them and even giggle out loud when I think of them. As life goes, especially with extended family, we grew up and apart. We would be brought together again briefly at the time of her father's death but not enough to fully ignite the relationship. And ironically enough, it would be at the death of Suzy's uncle (her dad's brother) and my great uncle that would reconnect us yet again. But this time we've stayed in touch. And I think a lot of it is because of the ease of email and the internet. Suzy is a single mom of two girls and lives in Hyattsville, MD. And I, of course, am down south in NC. It matters not; we seem to have made that connection and are in touch almost daily and I am elated and grateful. It is our plan, during my next trip home to VA, for Suzy to meet me at my folks house - which will just make the day for Mom & Daddy! Suzy, I don't think you have any idea how much you're loved in the Robinson house. It's been years since I've seen Suzy but I tell you this for free, I could pick her out of a crowd of thousands - if only I heard her voice! I can't wait to see you, Suzy, but more than that...I can't wait to HEAR you! Ha!

Suzy read how much I LOVE cowboy boots. She recently spotted this one, thought of me and sent it my way. Isn't is AWESOME to learn someone has you in their thoughts and heart... this little treasure is actually a candle holder. There's a votive cup that sits in the top where you drop a votive candle into it. Two of my favorite things right here on my and candles...and now thoughts everyday of a cousin I've always treasured and now have back in my life. God is good...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The First Man In My Life

I don't think most dads realize the impact they have on their daughters. They are the gauge by which EVERY other man in our lives is measured. At least this is my experience and maybe that's just because I've been blessed with a father who adores me and I adore him. I put my dad on a pedastal a long time ago and he's never waivered.

My dad's not "anything fancy". He's not a doctor or a lawyer or a high-powered stock broker. He's not an artist or a musician or an engineer or an architect. What he is, however, is a family man, a man of faith, an entrepreneur, a workaholic, a lover of animals, a problem solver, a protector, a fixer of all things (however, when Brandi was little and sad over something she asked Papa if he could fix it and he told her "Turtle, Papa can fix anything but a broken heart" - I beg to differ...he's helped mine heal many times over). He has the patience of a saint, he treasures my mother (they've been married 47 years), he's extremely careful with his "side money", he's a recycler and repurposer (he was doing that long before this country started "going green"), when he loves he loves to his deepest core. My dad wants everyone to be happy (ask him about my stint in California some time). And if he could control us all, he'd have a big spread somewhere with all his "little chicks" living on the same piece of land.

I've lived 5 hours away from my dad for 6 years now. I've told you the story of how, when I first moved here and my dad would visit, after he'd leave I go to my "girlie shed" and cry my heart out. I hated seeing his truck pull out of our drive. And while I don't cry when he leaves, it is an adjustment for me nonetheless. My dad comes often 'cause there's lots to do in this big old house and nothing brings him more pleasure - and me, too - than redoing something around here! If you ever have the opportunity to visit us, I'll show you all the changes we've made in this house. And I promise you, my father's handprints, heart and soul are in every change that's been made. How blessed am I?

Next to my Heavenly Father, there's no one I have more faith or trust in than my dad...

I love you Daddy - Happy Father's Day

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Have you ever had just a really good day? Today was like that for me. I was up early, it was actually tolerable outside, I had quiet time with my coffee...and then I was off to Raleigh to the fairgrounds where I met my buds, Cathy & Linda. We were "fellowshipping" at the flea market! We got there nice and early, about 8:30-ish, and hit all the outside vendors. Very early on in our adventure, I spotted a table with two great serving bowls and three wonderful platters. As I approached for a closer look, I could smell it...Homer Laughlin! Oh my goodness... The shopkeeper wasn't even done setting up yet and came over to tell us "there's a lot more to that set". He brought a huge box filled with dinner plates, dessert plates, bread & butter plates, cups and saucers...oh my!! I asked if he'd sell it by the piece and he said no, but the entire stash was mine for $50.00. The three of us looked at each other saying silently to one another "don't squeel...just nod politely". When he was out of ear shot we did a little happy dance and with little convincing I took the entire lot!! I even got a gravy boat. I've never had a gravy boat. But I've also wanted a gravy boat. And just because now I have a gravy boat, Thanksgiving's at my house this year!

As you know, I spent the better part of last week in Stillwater, MN. A LOVELY town!! My new favorite hot spot there is "Rose Mille" (I posted earlier about it and provided the website). During my visit there, I picked up Michael's Father's Day card. Our little family is very unconventional about this holiday. Brandi was 15-16 years old when Mike came into our lives. But he was careful and methodical and touching and concerned with how he became someone important to Bran. They both just eased their way into a loving relationship and today they have a true respect for one another and I know that Mike loves Bran with everything he has. And Bran acknowledges Mike's role in her life as a "father figure", knowing she can trust him with her life, let alone secrets from her Mama! So every year we make it a point to honor Mike and the part he plays in our little family. This year, I couldn't pass up this card. First, I LOVE the front of it and the drama it portrays..."I love you. No, I love you more. Oh, your eyes. That hair my love, the softness of it is that of silk". Ha! But inside.... inside it reads, "Despite that poppy seed on your tooth, and an untweezed nose hair, I can look you in the eyes and tell you...I love you unconditionally".!! He will laugh out loud, just like I did!!! And that will make my day.

And if you look closely, you can see the PINK wire "memory" board the card is temporarily displayed on! I schlepped this thing all the home from MN only to discover the EXACT same thing in one of the vendors booths at the fairgrounds this morning! Oh well. I hung my memory rack next to my little desk in my bedroom (see below). I'm going to try and be a little selective in what makes the cut. I don't want it to get too junked up or out of control. I can tell you this for free, though, once Mike opens this card it's definitely going on the rack!

I don't know how this wonderful day has gotten away so quickly. But I'm awfully glad I experienced it and I hope my buds had as good a time as I did. I love those girls...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thankful Thursday

It's that time of week again blog buddies...

1) I'm thankful for my safe trip to Minnesota;
2) I'm thankful that my Internet connection works like a charm in my hotel!;
3) I'm thankful for the beautiful things I've seen over the last few days - God's work is truly everywhere;
4) I'm thankful for the gym that my hotel has the "deal" with so that I can maintain my workouts (it's super important when traveling because you lose your focus easily, get out of your good habit and it helps keep you healthy while traveling);
5) I'm thankful for Map Quest!;
6) I'm thankful for all the effort my DH put into scheduling this trip for me;
7) I'm thankful for discovering the sweet shop downtown "Rose Mille"; what a blissful place to spend an hour...
8) I'm thankful for the capability to stay in touch with my blog buddies no matter where I am;
9) I'm thankful for the little coffee pot in my hotel room (hee, hee);
10) I'm thankful for my ability to stay "in control" (most always) while traveling. I've learned I have NO control while flying and getting upset over delays and cancellations does absolutely no good. I just make sure I always have a good book...

Take a look in your heart this morning and discover what you're grateful for. I'm sure you won't have to look too hard or long.

Have a blessed day friends.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where in the world is Joyce Mineer THIS week?

Stillwater, MN - THAT'S where!!!

As you know, June 2 was my first day with my new company. Not wanting to waste any time, I was shipped out (up and over actually) to my shopping center in Minnesota, "Oak Park Pond". It's actually a great little center but does not have the visibility the competition has, which has been the leasing struggle. It's also SURROUNDED by retail. Let the games begin...

I'm VERY nervous about having accepted this position. I will certainly do my best but they have no patience for inadequate-ness, non-performance and non-aggressive leasing. They give you the 90 days probation (better known as "just enough rope to hang yourself") to prove your worthiness. I'm hopeful that I get at least ONE deal done in that time frame, I think that'll buy me another 90 days.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my trips to my centers. I've never been to Minnesota before and when I came in yesterday early evening, it was beautiful! Sunny and breezy and no humidity and a sweet 73 degrees - a FAR cry from what I left behind in NC!! My hubby would LOVE it here. My seat buddy on the plane from Atlanta to here is a native. He told me all about Stillwater and he wasn't exaggerating - it is AWESOME. The downtown area is vital and bustling and with so much character. The "main drag" is nestled along the St. Croix river - breathtaking people!!! I encourage you to Google Stillwater and see for yourself. Tomorrow I'm going to take some time to visit as many of the B&B's as I can. I think during my next visit I may stay in one of them instead of my chain hotel! Why not? They have similar rates and Internet service... and I feel a little more safe because the inn keepers keep a close eye on the comings and goings of everyone in the house.

I managed to visit a handful of the shops downtown today and was about to hand over my credit card in "Rose Mille" ( a small purchase when the power went out and refused to come back on! I stayed and visited with the sweet sales associate for while because we thought the power would pop right back on but it never did. She's holding my goodies until I get back down there tomorrow. Oh darn, another trip to downtown Stillwater...what's a girl to do? I KNOW, go through the shop again to make sure I didn't miss anything!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Wrapping up RED

I know, I know... the "I Saw Red" event was officially closed yesterday but I was traveling back home from my weekend away and didn't get to post the last of my pictures! So, I'm stretching into today and sharing the last of my photogs...
An antique "laundry basket" I snatched up at "Fetch". We use it in the kitchen to hold our canned drinks.

At the same time I snagged the above hamper basket at "Fetch", I grabbed this little cutie-patootey, too! It's on my kitchen counter and holds all my cookie cutters and adapters to my Kitchen Aid stand mixer.

One of countless red trimmed doors in my house...

My "linen drawer"...

A vintage, tin "daily bread" sign over my stove... (nice flash on the sign...I must get better at this)...

One of two red stools at our counter/bar...

My chunky red salt and pepper mill shakers (sitting in the red salt and pepper shaker holder)...

And weekend treasures from back home!!!! A precious little vintage red child's chair, an old hinged "tool box" originating in St. Louis ("Mound Tool & Scraper Co.") and a pretty little china "bowl" that has been affixed to a stubby crystal candle stick holder - very salvaged and repurposed! I love them all and I had a fabulous weekend and I've had a sweet time showing you all things red around my little house... Thanks Sara!

Hmm...wonder what blog event will be next?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Are You "RED-Y"?

...for my touch of red today? Here we go...
Not long after we moved here, my mom passed down this quilt to me. My great, great grandmother "Grandma Davis" from Alabama made it - by hand. Mom said it deserved a better life in the country than staying stored in a chest in her house. My dear dad made the quilt rack it's hanging from (that's actually an old photo of my dad when he was little that you can get a glimpse of sitting on top of the shelf. And if you look closely, that's Mike's mom's senior picture in the middle and mom as a little girl on the right).

My old, chipped, little stool. This was actually a display piece from one of my hang-outs, The Rusty Bucket. Pam, the Shopkeeper, was kind enough to sell it to me. Thanks Pammy!

And finally, my great find from Liberty, NC at the recent Antiques Showcase & Flea Market. A large, red picnic basket ($7.00 - could not pass it up). Oh, look...there's Jess in the photo sporting his brand new RED halter!

For those of you in the East, especially down South, get's gonna' be RED hot today people!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday blog buddies... here's my list for the day. What's on your's?

1) Oh, I'm so thankful for my new job;

2) I'm thankful to be going "home" this weekend to visit my family and Jess;

3) I'm thankful for successfully completing the Torch Run for Special Olympics yesterday and that no one was injured in anyway and that I was part of yet another great cause (7.75 miles people!);

4) I'm thankful for the people who organize events like that of the Torch Run;

5) I'm thankful for the wrap-up dinner and fellowship I experienced last night on behalf of the American Cancer Society for our Pittsboro Relay for Life;

6) I'm thankful for Sara teaching me how to insert a picture with a link into my blog! :) ;

7) I'm thankful that my new company has authorized a land-line home office phone ('cause cell phones simply don't work out here!);

8) I'm thankful for the 30 minutes Mike and I had together on our front porch swing Monday night after watering flowers (you have to understand how rare we are together - Mike works permanent nights...);

9) I'm grateful for all things red in and around my house;

10) I'm grateful to have heard from my friend Cathy! She's been MIA for awhile and I was beginning to worry!

Isn't it wonderful to have to struggle at stopping at 10 things you're thankful for...

More Red Please

...and a little more smattering of red throughout the house...

My red dishes (what was I thinking publicizing a picture of the inside of my cabinets???)...

My red cooking utensils - worn with love...

And my first tea pot - red of course!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Seeing more red

And for your continued viewing pleasure... more red at the Mineer's homestead!

My AWESOME red kitchen!! I LOVE my kitchen people. No, I mean I really, really LOVE my kitchen. It's my haven. It's where I create yummies for those I love DEARLY. I wish I had a before shot of the "kitchen". Remember, our house is about 130 years old. When Mike and I bought this place, this is the first room we (with Big Daddy as Foreman) tore out - literally down to the bare slat walls. It was a project filled with memories and love and my father's handprints are EVERYWHERE in here and my DH didn't mind at all that I simply had to have a red kitchen. Aren't I fortunate to wake up to something so sweet as this every morning. I swear, I think my coffee tastes better here!

Oh, and a prized possession for sure. My red hoosier (sp?). Can you believe I actually found this painted my exact shade of red? I tell you this for free, people, there's a story behind this little jewel but I won't take up your time. Just know that I love it and oh the stories it could tell if it could talk...

I cannot wait until tomorrow to post more red photos. And when we're done with this event, I need to share with you the morning Mike and I had today! Another thing to check off my "bucket list".

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Seeing Red

I've never participated in a "blog event" before but how could I possibly pass this one up?

"Seeing Red" is the idea to post - every day if you'd like - a picture of something red. Do you have any idea how easy this is for me? The majority of my house is red - it's my FAVORITE color! Oh, I had a hard time selecting my first photo.

A little background on the event. Sara from "SadieOlive" (clicking on my title bar "Seeing Red"above will redirect you to Sara's site) was recently inspired by her red garden roses to jump start this little game. I think to Sara's amazement it's a bit out of control! But isnt' that wonderful? It just goes to show how connected we all are in blog land and ultimately to one another. With Sara's help, I was able to figure out how to link you to her site to get all the information on playing along with us. Just look on my sidebar to the left and click on "I Saw Red", it'll redirect you in a jiff. Her photos are amazing; so crisp and can almost smell the soft scent of her beautiful red roses...

Here's my touch of red for today...
My sweet little red Gerbera daisys on my front porch...

and my red "bat phone" (I'm dating myself here, aren't I?)

Monday, June 2, 2008


Rosie the Riveter, that's what I felt like today people!!! One rockin' 'N rollin' worker bee with a can-do attitude.

I did it! I got through my first day at my new job! It started a little sluggish but once it got going, oh my goodness...

The cell phone's en route along with the laptop. The phone should be here tomorrow and then it's all over but the crying. The laptop later this week - yeah, another technical gadget to tug at my last nerve! Bring it on, that's what I say. And this company let's no grass grow beneath our feet. I leave next Tuesday for 4 days - heading to Minnesota (Stillwater to be exact). I haven't a clue where I'm going and not much more of a clue as to what I'm doing but it'll be just fine!

Of course the only stipulation in every hotel I stay in is that there is unlimited Internet access. I cannot be away from blogland people; no way, no how!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Is There A Contractor In The House?

Two weeks ago I pointed out this slight problem to my DD (Darling Dad)...

My treasured bluebird house has a slight foundation issue. When I asked if it could be salvaged/saved, with his typical "nothing phases me" composure, he responded with his perfect Papa wit by saying "that's noooooooo problem".

I wouldn't have expected any other answer because, you see, nothing is ever a problem for big Daddy! But of course, we'll have to wait for the kids to leave the nest and the parents to head to Florida long about September. After that, the hammers will be flying and renovation will commence. Stay may even get a fresh coat of paint. Can you antique a bluebird house?

Have a blessed Sunday friends... and HAPPY JUNE!!!!!