Friday, February 11, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

I like Fridays. For obvious reasons but also because of "Medium" and this show.

Being famous has its benefits, not the least of which is the check book that comes with it. It can afford you all the sparkle and bling one could ever want but it also brings perks like specialized, one-on-one ancestory research and personal access to places like The Library of Congress.

"" is available to us average folk but you can only go so far before the site is asking for your credit card. In other words, it's gonna cost us to go back much further than a generation or two. As curious and fascinated as I am to learn about my own heritage, I'm not ready to shell out any greenbacks for it...not yet.

If time and money weren't an issue for me, I think I'd dive right into this site, this venture just like Tim McGraw did tonight. I'd go into it with a guarded heart and little expectation in order to protect myself from disappointment.

I guess in the scheme of the big picture what matters most is the here and now, what we're doing with our lives and what contributions we're making to humanity. But wouldn't it be great to know just how we arrived?

I'd also like to know just who exactly is responsible for this rather wide nose of mine.


Paul and Cathy said...

hey Joyce, the library (Wake county) has several genealogy search engines that are FREE! a good place to begin a search is also the census records. I just completed my application last year to the DAR (proud member now!) and those records were a major help. I am 7 generations away from my patriot John Shanks! Missed you last night and oh, I won YOUR $$$ hooray ;-)

Ronalyn said...

I love this show too! There is also a show called Project Generations on BYU TV that is very similar but with regular joes.

I use but the free portion only. You can get to some records. Let me know if you create a profile on there.