Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Look What Honey Did!

I'm so proud of Michael! And so upset with myself! I will never again let fear dictate a decision I make! Because I allowed myself to be intimidated by the words "10 Miles" and "Trail Run" in the same sentence, I procrastinated and, as a result, registration was closed when I finally decided to participate in the Little River 10 Mile Trail Run this past Saturday, January 10. (Go here to learn more about this great event and facility).
But Michael committed and never looked back. It was a BEAUTIFUL day (just look at that Carolina blue sky). Cold and brisk but bright and sunny. I've never been a spectator at these events before so this was a new role for me. I have to say, you stay a lot warmer as a participant! Brrr....

Here's Michael getting psyched up for this challenge!

The runners set off promptly and on schedule. Here's Mikey (#183) in the pack making his way into the woods...

And an hour and 56 minutes later, he crossed the finish line. He says the expression on his face speaks clearly as to how he felt - BEAT UP! Michael said he thought he'd mentally prepared himself for this but knew about 2 miles into it that he was facing a greater challenge than he could've ever expected! He told me I had a right to be afraid of this run! It was scary!

He's not told me he's planning on doing it again next year. I think I'll wait another day or two until I'm sure all the kinks are out and then pose the question to him! Ha! He was smart and scheduled a sports massage for himself yesterday - which he thoroughly enjoyed and totally deserved! Way to go honey!!

Oh yeah, and then there was this! While picking up his race packet at Fleet Feet in Carrboro last Friday, Michael decided to buy 4 $5.00 tickets for the drawing they were having race day for the Garmin 405 Forerunner runners watch (a $350.00 value). For those of you who don't know, this watch is a virtual GPS on your wrist! It opens up a whole new world for runners. You simply take off running and the watch monitors everything for you; your distance, your pace, your heart rate - everything. You even have a virtual running buddy to keep you honest! Mikey was fortunate enough to get one of these babies for Christmas but he thought, what the heck, I'll buy a couple tickets - it's for a good cause, the upkeep of Little River Park.

The only stipulation on race day for the drawing was that the winner had to be there to claim the prize. As the crowd began to dwindle we got more excited - better chances of winning! They pulled out the knit cap, the announcer said "and the winner is Mike...(insert long pause here)...Mineer"! I think they heard us yell back in Chatham County!! Me especially because I knew that baby was mine since big daddy already his!! Yes! All mine! Isn't my hubby the best? And he told the group that I was getting the watch because he'd gotten his already for Christmas. Of course, there was the collective "AWE"!

A great day...a really great day.

My Garmin had its maiden voyage this past Sunday. I L-O-V-E it!!!


Brandi said...

It really is different being a spectator than participant, huh? You do stay a lot more warm when you're running! :) LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce... How exciting for you to be able to watch Mike 'n cheer him along... even more exciting to win that awesome watch! tee~heee!

Thanks so much for your recent visit and sweet comments... so very kind of you... I'm glad that you get such a good feeling after one of your visits... please stop back by, anytime... Enjoy the weekend and do take care... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~
