Monday, November 23, 2009

And To All A Good Night

We lost our Little Bea, one of our barn kitties, Saturday November 14...

And in the early morning hours of Friday November 20, we lost Simba...

And if we weren't grieving enough, our beloved Sadie was taken from us on Saturday November 21.

Someone...ANYONE...Please...  remind me that God is, in fact, good...

To try and share the heartbreak and complete emptiness in our hearts and our home would be a complete waste of time. 

Oh, how they touch our lives.  I'm prayerful that we will find a "new normal" in Bear Creek.


Karen said...

Joyce, so sorry to hear about all your loss.

Brandi said...

I still can't believe it.

Just Marianne said...

Hi Joyce, sorry to hear about the loss of your babies. I am sure you are thankful for wonderful loving memories. Have a happy Thanksgiving! See you soon!

Ronalyn said...

Oh, Joyce, I'm so sorry. It's hard to lose the unconditional love of your furry babies. They will always be with you.