Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Is It Too Late To Save My Own Neck?

For as long as I can remember, this baby pink moisturizing potion has had a comfortable place in my mother's make-up bag. And every morning at about 4:45 my mom would slather it all over her face just prior to applying her blush and concealer, making ready for her day. This routine and the soft scent of the lotion is a fond memory of mine regarding my mom.

So, it comes as no surprise to me that for at least the last 20 years I, too, have rubbed and massaged this creamy concoction all over my face. I've never used another product, never saw a need. If it ain't broke, don't fix it - right? But it's recently occurred to me that, until the last month or so, I NEVER APPLIED IT TO MY NECK!!! Oh my God! The panic I'm in!

Every woman knows that your real age shows in your hands and your neck! Will I ever be able to catch up? Can this stuff work magic?
My favorite Uncle Les calls it "Oil of Delay".
God I hope he's right!

1 comment:

Ronalyn said...

My mom & aunt used Oil of Olay too - Aunt Helen until she died at age 92 and she looked in her 60s! I always thought it was good genes - maybe it was the Oil of Olay!

I've always used Secret deodorant - and I know it's because my mom used to use it....