He made me smile like the sun...
He was afraid of the wind and blowing tall grass.
He loved carrots and apples, of course, but he also had a taste for Doritos...
It wasn't his back end you had to stay clear of, it was his mouth - Jess was a biter...
He did not make a good first impression on my family - he tried to bite Bran's face off...
I financed him...did you know you could do that...
He and a buddy escaped from the farm one day and took a joy run through the neighborhood, with Brandi and I running after them (picture that - it's good for a laugh)...
He never had to befriend another horse or dog, they always came to him...
If I could've bottled his smell, I would have done it a long time ago...
Everything he wore was black and/or red...even my truck and his trailer...
In the summer, he never went out until the sun went down...
When we first started riding together, I spent more time on the ground than I did on his back - which made me often question the investment I'd made...
In our younger days, we were excellent jumpers - I have ribbons to prove it...
His barn name was "Jesse" as in James; he was a registered Appaloosa with the name "High Hat Blue"...
Jess, Bran and I grew up together...I had Jess for 21 years...21 years
He brought me complete joy...complete happiness...
He would literally and gladly open his mouth to accept his bit...
He had a custom made tack box and storage trunk - because Jess and I were both loved that much...
He hated having his face washed and broke countless cross ties whenever I attempted to do it...
He loved having his belly brushed...
He was my buddy and I loved him dearly and today I don't know what to do to fill this life-sized whole in my heart...