Thursday, November 26, 2009

Third Time's The Charm

Today, Michael and I took our first step at trying to get back into the swing of things.

As has become our new Thanksgiving Day tradition, we headed out early this morning, in fog so thick you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, to the Gallop & Gorge T'giving day 8k run. This is the third in the tri-fecta of races that Fleet Feet Sports hosts. It was another record-breaking race with more runners today than last year!

It was cold (in a transplanted southerner's opinion) and I was relunctant to take off my cozies...

And Michael was simply thrilled at the idea of being vertical during daylight...

But when it was all over, we were pretty pleased with ourselves :)

I even managed to find a smile, if only for a photo op...

I am prayerful that everyone is somewhere today where they are loved and told so. And as my heart and Michael's heart continue to mend, we are still filled with gratitude and appreciation for all that we have, for all the wonderful people in our lives and for our families.

Have a beautiful day today, my friends, and may God continue to bless each of you.

I love you...and I mean that...

Happy Thanksgiving -

Monday, November 23, 2009

And To All A Good Night

We lost our Little Bea, one of our barn kitties, Saturday November 14...

And in the early morning hours of Friday November 20, we lost Simba...

And if we weren't grieving enough, our beloved Sadie was taken from us on Saturday November 21.

Someone...ANYONE...Please...  remind me that God is, in fact, good...

To try and share the heartbreak and complete emptiness in our hearts and our home would be a complete waste of time. 

Oh, how they touch our lives.  I'm prayerful that we will find a "new normal" in Bear Creek.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Cat's Meow

Saturday was the big day -

I've run in a fair share of little races, both locally and out-of-state.  But this one will be fondly stored in my long term memory as one of the best.  Not only did I have the company of these little bitties...

...but the majority of the 5,000 runners were in costume.  We saw everything from Dorothy and her entourage to a pair of pink dice (attached just like you'd find to toss over your rear view mirror back in the day) to pirates, Richard Simmons and two girls dressed as pigs - one was H1 and the other, you guessed it, N1.  I don't care what you say, that was freakin' funny!!  Because all of us ran the race and we didn't have any family there as cheerleaders and bag holders, we weren't able to get any "during race" photogs!  You'll simply have to trust me when I tell you it was an adventure.  And you'll have to settle for our own little montage of we go!

Two little kitties ready to roll!

JC giving his finisher's medal a little smoochy!

Little Bran proudly sporting her finisher's medal!

And I'm pretty happy with mine, too!

...I think I'll call her "Princess"...

What a wonderful weekend for this "Mom Cat"!!!